join the MAT Challenge!
We created the MAT Challenge to help you put in place specific actions to create a better life for yourself and your family!
This version of the MAT Challenge is suitable for people over 15 years of age or adults.
During 5 consecutive weeks, you will receive the following tools delivered directly into YOUR EMAIL to help you stay on track during this exciting program:
✔︎ One specific personal skill to be developed each week:
✔︎ 10 self-empowering activities (one physical and one mental, per week) to embody the skills that will help you improve your life
✔︎ Daily inspirational quotes (one per day for 5 weeks) reminding and encouraging you to live your skill on that day
✔︎ Video and written resources supporting you throughout the way
✔︎ Printable Personal Journal (PDF file) to help you stay accountable and self-reflect during this journey
✔︎ Your own MAT lapel pin delivered to your home
Our next mat challenge will commence on
monday 21 of february 2022
Book your place now!
(Booking will close on Friday 18 of February at 6pm)
The standard fee for this program is $50, however we want to make the MAT Challenge as accessible as possible to all people, therefore please contribute what you can afford and select either our Standard, Concession A or Concession B fees.
Thank you and enjoy the Challenge!