
Young people will be engaged and enriched through learning, and empowered to realise their life goals.



To develop and implement therapeutic support services for young people, which are sustainable, effective and accessible.



The purposes of the association are:

(1)   To provide a framework for the creation and delivery of therapeutic engagement support programs and services in Victoria and beyond, 

(2)   To licence therapeutic engagement support programs that assist individuals and groups within the wider community to develop personal skills to improve the quality of their lives,

(3)   To support members in the creation and delivery of new applications of therapeutic engagement support programs and services,

(4)   To set and maintain standards for all therapeutic engagement support programs licenced and supported by the Association, and

(5)   To promote the health and welfare of Association members, staff and volunteers.

Values: The Code

Be Calm               

Being composed, feeling relaxed. 

Being aware of self and being reflective.

Directing personal energy towards positive outcomes.

Be Strong              

Being strong in body, mind, heart and spirit.

Being determined, decisive, resilient, adaptable, honest, positive and enthusiastic.

Believing in our convictions and being ethical

Try hard              

Going for ‘gold’ through sustained efforts to achieve our goals.

Being motivated, passionate and creative.

Celebrating efforts as progress towards success. 

Be Kind             

Looking after ourselves, others and our environment.

Being patient, considerate, caring, helpful and respectful.

Being aware of the needs and wishes of others, as well as our own.