Suitable for Primary School aged children in Grades 4, 5 and 6.

During the 8 x 50-minute weekly sessions young people will use a combination of physical exercises, games and therapeutic martial arts techniques to learn strategies on resilience, emotional regulation, respectful relationships and active mindfulness.

The program is based on our CODE

be strong - be calm - be kind - try hard

MAT Life Skills Program - Content

The MAT Program covers the criteria for the Australian Curriculum on Personal and Social Capabilities which includes the following themes:

  • Recognise emotions

  • Recognise personal qualities and achievements

  • Understand themselves as learners

  • Develop reflective practice

  • Express emotions appropriately

  • Develop self-discipline and set goals

  • Work independently and show initiative

  • Become confident, resilience and adaptable

  • Appreciate diverse perspectives

  • Contribute to civil society

  • Understand relationships

  • Communicate effectively

  • Work collaboratively

  • Make decisions under pressure

  • Negotiate and resolve conflict

  • Develop leadership skills

A brief example of the content of some of our sessions includes:

Introduction to the program and self-control. Students learned the basic rules of the program as well as our basic set of values called “The CODE”: be strong, be calm, be kind and try hard. Students begin to understand themselves as learners with a selection of strengthening exercises (e.g., push ups, sit ups, squats) as well as other isometric challenges (Wingspan challenge). Engagement is fundamental part of our program so the students get to enjoy the first session with some interesting activities such as noodle dodge or Samurai patrol

Understanding the different types of strength (physical, mental, and emotional) this includes games around the dichotomy of control where students learn to identify things they can and can’t control in each situation and put effort on the ones they can control. This session also focuses on allowing students to identify their habits and mindsets before finding strategies to improve them.

Learning to recognise our emotions and their nature. Students are introduced to the concept of emotions and how these are neither positive nor negative in themselves but provide valuable information of the world around us. Students play with different games (e.g., The Rock, noddle dodge, fishing rod) that let them experience the cycle of “event, emotions, reaction” so they begin to recognise physical sensations associated to emotions.

Learning to manage our emotions and impulses. In this session the students experience the interconnection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. They learn to “make distance” between these 3 elements in order to have a better chance of managing their impulses. Games such as the Rock as well as different martial art exercises such as traditional blocks or parries are used also to learn how to be able to identify and control impulses and not overreact to them.

DATES & TIMES: Every Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:20 pm

  • Term 2: 24 April to 11 of June 2024

  • Term 3: 23 July to 10 September 2024

  • Term 4: 15 October to 4 December 2024

  • Term 1 2025: Transition Program for students commencing Year 7 in 2025

ADDRESS: It will be provided upon registration but location is in Surrey Hills, Victoria.

COST (8 weeks program = 1 school Term):

  • Standard Fee - $200 for the 8 weeks

  • Concession Fee - $150 for the 8 weeks (for families experiencing financial difficulties)

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Minimum 8, Maximum 14 (secure your spot!)


  • Participants must commit to attend all the sessions of the program (8 x 60 minute sessions)

  • This is NOT a self defence program but a wellbeing and mental health program that uses physical activities, games, exercises and martial arts to communicate specific life skills

  • There is no sparring of any form at any time amongst the participants

  • On the last session of the program, students will attempt to break aged appropriate martial art boards

  • Participants must not attend the sessions if they have symptoms of any type of illness (e.g. flu, gastro, covid, etc).

FOR MORE INFORMATION please visit the IMPACT sections of this website or email