At TESSA Inc our vision is young people will be engaged and enriched through learning and empowered to realise their life goals.

One of our purposes is to licence therapeutic engagement support programs that assist individuals and groups within the wider community to develop personal skills and improve their quality of life.

The Engagement Support Officer (ESO) program is designed to support children and young people who are struggling with moderate to severe behaviour challenges and who may be or are currently at risk to themselves or others.

ESOs are trained in working with this cohort of students to engage and support individual children within the classroom and school yard settings.

As a TESSA Inc ESO you will be a valued member of our team, your responsibilities will be:

  • To support at risk students in a 1:1 capacity to engage with their education.

  • To assist schools with therapeutic strategies designed to promote safety and reengagement of their complex student.

  • This dynamic sub-contractor role offers the ESO flexibility with rostering and availability.

All applicants will need:

  • Current employee Working With Children Check

  • National Police Check

  • Mandatory Reporting training

  • Managing Challenging Behaviour and Protective Intervention training provided to successful applicants.

For more information please contact Natalie Deacon on deacon.n@tessainc.org.au